Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Kings of Patina.

I'm on the hunt for retro props for a commercial. When I arrived at Braam's house this morning he told me it was "Airline Carrier Day" and led me to the patio table.

 Braam is a legend in the film industry in South Africa. He's a collector extraordinaire. Over the years I've seen his house get fuller and fuller, until lately it's become quite a feat to go there without knocking something over.
Nothing new here - everything is gently worn by time. He's notoriously unsentimental. He's quite likely to rent out the pot his long-suffering wife is busy cooking the supper in.
He has various properties, all of them stuffed to the rafters with stuff. We know them by street address. Now, after all these years, there's big news: the rentables are all being moved to the new house, which will function as a prop house proper. 
I popped in at Indwe to see the progress. It's wonderful to see everything spread out.

 I think most of Glynville Terrace is in, but the whole of Impala still needs to come over. I heard a mumble that there wasn't enough room.

 Later I went to Mister Music in Long Street, with the usual words ready on my lips: "I know you don't rent out, but... ", only to have the man say to me: "Today you may rent anything in my shop - R50."
I fell in love with a blue guitar.

 My other desire is this fringed dress at Theatre and Film Costume Workshop.

1 comment:

sam said...

Blue guitar. Red tassle dress. You should play dixie at Albert Hall.