Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What it feels like to fall.

It's a bipolar world that I find myself in - this film industry. There are moments of elation and unequaled camaraderie and there are times of sheer angst and loneliness. Calms and sudden storms.
Last winter was lean. My heart hurt.
My friends are points of light. They cooked me meals and poured me drinks. We huddled around fires, there were companionable silences, there were hugs. Things got better by small increments and then suddenly in leaps. Now it's a year later and things are good. There's writing and the freedom it brings. Time for long lunches and music and books.

There are nights when I lie awake for hours, not from horrors that gnaw, but a buzzing excitement at being alive. The smell of the rain and the earth as I walk out the door. The crackle of vinyl. My heart in your hand and you play it to the beat.


arcadia said...

Ek voel presies dieselfde. En 'n jaar terug was ek op dieselfde plek as jy. Kom ons drink op die feit dat beter dae gekom het.

the sourcerer said...

cheers meisie!

ckzero said...

jisses dis mooi Lil

the sourcerer said...

dankie! pity oor die crap skype konneksie vandag. :-(