Saturday, November 6, 2010

Red Roman and what it is about Catnip.

That Production Designer, he grilled it over the coals with garlic butter. Delicious. The taste and texture is reminiscent of crayfish, with a delectable crisp skin. The Lovely Girlfriend made a big salad of sliced ginger, carrot, beetroot, avocado and greens. Oven roasted Mediterranean potatoes. One could want for nothing more.

I took along a punnet of Catnip for the furry ones. What entertainment!
Whilst reading up about it this morning, I came across these amusing facts:
Nepeta cataria is mostly used as a recreational substance for feline enjoyment.
Catnip is not harmful to your cat. They won't overdose on it.  Most cats know when they've had enough & will refuse any further offers. 
( I like that: "most cats"... )
We wondered last night if the big cats are also susceptible to Catnip and I am happy to report:
 It's difficult to photograph a cat when he's spending time with the herb, what with all that rolling around and puffy tail-swishing. The Morning Visitor did what was to be expected...


Fritz J said...

The only designer in town that knows how to braai, as far as I'm aware of, is Tom Hannam. Am I wrong?

the sourcerer said...

I'll certainly pass on that compliment to Tom, but there are a few more! In this instance, Egbert.

Marie said...

The idea of taking some catnip to big cat environment and tossing it out of the window...tempting.

Egbert said...

Thanks Lily. Gewoonlik braai ek darem lekker. My pa was nou n bobaas chop en wors braaier. Ek is maar ou skool. Hardehout, byl, koerantpapier. Vis, steak, chops, wors wat ook al. Die lovely girlfriend hou van seared tuna, soos jy weet.

the sourcerer said...

Marie - you should take a paper baggie of CN with you next time you go to Kruger! and Mr.Kruger, Mr.Howell just phoned to say he has freshly caught tuna and I should pick some up! a plan is brewing...